Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Managers

About the Workshop

Who Is This Workshop For?
Project Managers
Program Managers
Leadership Team
PMO Members
Product Managers
Product Owners
Workshop Description

From Project Management to Value Delivery Management

Delivering value continues to increase in complexity and is driven more than ever by digital transformations. The result is a growing emphasis on dependency management and coordination - but that will only get you so far. As organizations realize the benefits of improving their value streams, PMOs and Project Professionals need to pivot from focusing on the project or scope to the value delivered.

This workshop introduces value stream management principles, strategies, and practices. You will learn the foundations of a crucial emerging skillset that leverages existing skills and experience of project professionals to focus on improving the flow of value delivered to customers, whether internal or external.

What Project Managers & Leadership Need to Know about Value Stream Management

In this presentation, Joshua Barnes provides insight into what leadership and Project Managers need to know about Value Stream Management and how it has been distilled into a one-day workshop, "Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Management".


Workshop Overview

Why You Should Consider the Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Managers Workshop

Does this sound familiar?

  • Our time to market is too long
  • Work is not visualized; there is no easy way to see who is doing what
  • The time for feedback is long, so we often have missed expectations & rework
  • Work spends more time in “waiting” states vs. “doing” states
  • Our planning cycles are limiting our business agility
Why Attend the VSMPM Workshop?

PMOs and Project Professionals need to pivot from focusing on the project or scope to value delivery. Learn how to increase the flow of value by creating great environments, enabling delivery teams, supporting, and operational people to focus on achieving the vision of leadership. Most of the problems we see stem from where the work, the value-adding activities, is done and not the people who are doing the work.

We need professionals who understand proven management practices to concentrate on minimum business increments, reduce work in progress, decrease planning cycles, and improve feedback frequency. Value flow management enables improving efficiency while simultaneously reducing the cost of delays, waste, and risk.

Objectives Considered During Workshop
  • The idealized value stream
  • Building in small increments
  • Value flow planning
  • Reducing delays in the workflow
  • Making work visible
What You Should Know Before

There are no prerequisites to enroll in the course; however, experience with project management is beneficial. A cursory understanding of agile is also helpful.

Time Investment

The course is 7 hours of instructor-led content with optional on-demand video courses. Here are the delivery options available:

  • One day, 8 hours with breaks
  • Two days, 4 hours per day with breaks
How to Get Professional Recognition by Success Mentors University and Process Mentors

Upon completing this workshop, you will receive a certificate and a virtual badge from Process Mentors, issued through Success Mentors University, to validate your attendance.

  • Certificate of Attendance
  • SMU Virtual Badge
Gain a Value Delivery Mindset
  • Introduction
  • Lesson 1: Value Delivery Mindset
  • Lesson 2: VSM not VSM!
  • Lesson 3: Why Value Stream Management
  • Lesson 4: Agile Transformation Problem
  • Lesson 5: Defining Consumable Value
  • Lesson 6: Identifying Value Streams
  • Lesson 7: Problem with Projects
  • Lesson 8: The Minimum Value Increment (MVI)
  • Lesson 9: Developing a Portfolio Backlog
  • ​Lesson 10: End-To-End Value Delivery Flow
  • ​Lesson 12: Value Flow Planning (Feature Tetris)
  • ​Lesson 13: Systems Thinking
  • ​Lesson 14: Visualizing the Workflow
  • Questions & Answers and Wrap-Up
What Our Students Have to Say

Joshua has an incredible amount of knowledge and experience in Value Stream Management and provides real world examples that really engaged the participants. He encouraged questions and insights from everyone in the class, which helped contextualize the material. I came away with a thorough review of information from previous Process Mentors classes, and new insights to use going forward. He provided a thorough review of Value Stream Management principles and new insights through his Value Stream model. I came away with lots of new ideas to use going forward and a tool kit to utilize them in multiple environments.

Vicki H. Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Managers

Very pertinent information for success in today's business environment, a solid guide to understanding value streams and how managing them effectively can add value to your organization. Joshua Barnes is always solid in his delivery of knowledge, he brings practical knowledge to the learning experience which makes it invaluable. Always a pleasant experience in any courses he leads, lots of nuggets and very much worth every minute you spend in his classes.

Patrick T. Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Managers

It's a valuable course - so much is jam-packed in! It's wonderful that some of the materials are available after the course so we can marinate on the content for longer with support.

Sarah L Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Managers

This workshop helped me to see in reality the vision, which we were attempting to achieve with teams. Now it's easier to move from gut feeling solution, to a structural Value Stream Management process. This Workshop helped to understand key stakeholders interactions, in-depth MPI concept, and practical advices on how-to visualize the work for driving a discussion with stakeholders

Egor N. Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Managers

I am pleased to provide an outstanding recommendation for Joshua Barnes as an expert and Subject Matter Expert for Value Streams Management for Leadership and Project Managers. I recently attended his one-day class at Process Mentors and was thoroughly impressed with his expertise, professionalism, and engaging teaching style.

Nate C. Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Managers

Throughout the class, Joshua demonstrated his mastery of value stream mapping and provided real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the concepts and techniques. He also shared outstanding tools and tips for mapping value streams and identifying opportunities for improvement, which were both practical and effective.

Nate C. Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Managers

Joshua's ability to communicate complex ideas and techniques clearly and concisely was particularly impressive. He engaged the class with his deep knowledge and provided insights that allowed us to see the potential for value stream mapping in a new light. His approach made the class interactive and engaging, and we left feeling confident and empowered to implement what we learned in our own work.

Nate C. Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Managers

Overall, I highly recommend Joshua Barnes as a Subject Matter Expert for Value Streams Mapping for Leaders and Project Managers. His knowledge, experience, and engaging teaching style make him an asset to any organization looking to improve their processes and drive efficiency. His real-world examples, tools, and tips were invaluable and will undoubtedly lead to measurable improvements in any organization's value stream mapping processes.

Nate C. Value Stream Management for Leadership and Project Managers
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