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PMI Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant (DAVSC) Certification

About the Workshop

Who Is This Workshop For?
Agile Coaches
Project Managers
Program Managers
Operational Managers
Course Description

Help Organizations Achieve Business Agility with Value Stream Management

Do you want to improve the flow of value to your customers, whether external or internal?

Learn how to identify and improve weaknesses in the flow of value to your customers. Understand how value flow management improves efficiency while simultaneously reducing the cost of delays, waste, and risk.


Workshop Overview

Why You Should Consider a DAVSC Workshop

The DAVSC provides a way for small to large-scale organizations to quickly create a starting set of practices that everyone in the organization can agree on and use tailored for the organization. The approach allows quick adoption, enabling a fit-for-purpose approach suited to the organization’s size, culture, and challenges. It lowers resistance, speeds up adoption, and makes it generally more effective.

This 21 PDU instructor-led course goes beyond a single framework by teaching you the mindset, practices, and tools to reduce waste and focus on what matters.

Why Attend the DAVSC Workshop?

The concepts learned in the workshop enable adoptions to orient around the value streams. This avoids the challenge presented by other frameworks where starting at the team level leaves out portfolio management (intake management process) – which is needed even in small organizations.

The DAVSC also provides a decision framework and a few selected quick starts. The decision framework explicitly states how and why to pick practices for your situation. It is also used for continuous improvement.

Objectives Considered During Workshop
  • Value Stream Management.
  • The “Minimum Business Increment” to guide enhancements to existing products.
  • Value creation structures allow smaller teams to focus on innovation and enable shared services to be closer to the teams they support.
  • Approaches to do planning (both flow and timeboxed and with shorter cycles)
  • A strategy to decouple the cadence of strategic and portfolio planning from the cadence of development. This enables having a quarterly business cycle with a shorter planning cycle for implementation.
What You Should Know Before

Three years of agile experience is required for the Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant (DAVSC) certification.

It is suggested to view the "Value Stream" on demand course on the Project Management.com website https://www.projectmanagement.com/videos/866943/disciplined-agile-and-value-streams

As of October 2023, the DASSM certification is no longer a requirement to register for the DAVSC workshop and attempt the exam.

Upon completing the course, PMI will issue all attendees the "DAVSC Trained" Credly badge for recognition while you await your 3 month period in the DAVSC Community of Practice. At that time you will then be scheduled for the DAVSC exam by the PMI Admin team.

Time Investment

The course is 21 hours. Here are the delivery options available:

  • 5 Days: 4.5 hours per day
How to Get Certified by PMI Disciplined Agile
  • Complete the workshop and attain the DAVSC Trained badge.
  • Accept the invitation to the exclusive PMI DAVSC Community of Practice where you will gain additional resources and support as you start to practice the skills you learned and prepare for certification.
  • After 3 months of membership and practice in the community, you will be eligible to register for the DAVSC exam.
  • The DAVSC exam fee is included in the course tuition. Pass the exam and claim your DAVSC Certified badge.
  • Also, after taking this workshop, you will receive a Process Mentors Success Mentors digital badge to validate your attendance.
A Complete Training on Value Stream Management
  • Introduction: The Disciplined Agile Mindset
  • Lesson 1: Value Stream Consultant: Role and Work
  • Lesson 2: The Idealized Value Stream
  • Lesson 3: Removing Delays in the Workflow
  • Lesson 4: The Minimum Business Increment
  • Lesson 5: The Discovery Workflow and the Development Intake Process
  • Lesson 6: Value Flow Planning and Coordination
  • Lesson 7: Working with a Common Cadence and Synchronization
  • Lesson 8: End of Increment Activities - Reducing Not Accommodating Dependencies
  • Lesson 9: Factors for Effective Value Streams
  • Lesson 10: Value Creation Structure
  • Lesson 11: Agile Budgeting and Lean Funding
  • Lesson 12: Creating Visibility Across the Organization
  • Lesson 13: Key Roles
  • Lesson 14: The Disciplined Agile Playbook